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8.10.2021 | Akademie Mainz

ISS 2021

Graph Tools

for data exploration and indexing


Julian Jarosch | @digicademy | Twitter digicademy | CC-BY 4.0

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements for graph data exploration tools
  2. Exploration of aggregated data in SemSpect
  3. Overview of available tools
  4. Evaluation of graph data exploration tools


Requirements for graph data exploration tools

some requirements

for graph data exploration tools

general aims:

technical requirements:

  • interactive refinement of results
  • clustering of large result sets
  • approximate queries / queries from examples

(partly excerpted from Mottin, Jentzsch & Müller (2016))


Exploration of aggregated data in SemSpect



Web app with a focus on aggregating large property graphs, so that their dominant structures emerge

(c.f. Liebig (2018), Liebig, Vialard & Opitz (¿2017?))


Overview of available tools

available tools

survey of current state-of-the-art

Explore the tools and their capabilities in groups. Take note

  1. if / how the requirements formulated previously apply
  2. what advantages / disadvantages you see

in the respective tool.

We won’t go into these today, you can look at them on your own time:


Evaluation of graph data exploration tools

some requirements

for graph data exploration tools

general aims:

technical requirements:


Thank you!